The Bar Council of India steps in to interrupt amid the exam or no exam situation amongst the law students. There has been a lot of confusion among the students of various universities and although a few universities did answer queries that exams shall stand canceled but the majority of them did not answer and issued notices that said the decision was pending until colleges reopened.
The cartel of law, (don’t take me seriously on this cartel joke) has stepped in and instructed all Centres of Legal Education in India to follow the below guidelines as on the 9th June, 2020:
- The students of the final year i.e 3 year LLB and 5 year LLB shall be allowed to take online examinations.
- Alternatively, the university may also adopt any method which they feel adequate to satisfy the requirements of regular examinations for final year LL.B students of 3 years and 5 years.
- The universities may adopt methods such as writing project report/research paper for each paper or doubling the internal marks of semester examinations that are already held for the final year law students.
- In case, a student has not cleared any subject in his previous years and was required to sit for supplementary examinations, such students may appear for online examinations for the said papers or such methods as the university may adopt such as writing a project report or research paper so as to enable them to pass within time.
- All other law students are to be PROMOTED to the next year on the basis of their previous examination marks and internal examination marks on the current year. However, the students will have to appear for their end semesters as soon as the college reopens. (So, dust your books, exams will be held)
- Covid-19 protocols to be followed.
- The highest standards of examinations are to be maintained.
Here’s a link to the entire press release for download:
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Passionate about using the law to make a difference in people’s lives. An Advocate by profession.