In a very layman’s term, Cybercrime refers to those crimes that involve a computer, a network or a network device. In a nutshell, Cyber Law deals with the internet, computers, computer system, cyberspace, and everything related to cyberspace or information technology. While most Cyber Crimes are performed to generate financial profits for the criminals, some of them are also done against computers directly to damage or make them nonfunctional. Cyber Crime may include various forms of criminal activity like the malfunctioning of a computer, internet fraud, identity theft, attempts to steal credentials of debit/ credit cards etc.
There are various laws looking after the Cyber security, mostly depending on the country’s territorial extent. The punishment, however, depends on the crime varying from fine to imprisonment.
Table of Contents
In India, Cyber Crime is punishable under the “Indian Penal Code, 1860” and the “Information Technology Act,2000”. In the year 2008, the IT Act was amended that silhouetted the definition and punishment of Cyber Crimes in India.
The good things about modernization are now you can do most of your work online in the comfort of your home. Likewise, now you can lodge a complaint on “Cyber Crime” with the help of the “Cyber Cell of Police Department” for Cyber Crimes committed all over the nation. The Cyber Crime Cell of the Police Department is a trained unit which deals with all complex and sensitive cases of Cyber Crimes inclusive of those victims who are women and children.
- Visit the online portal of the Cyber Cell I.e.,
- For filing a complaint one needs to click on “Report other Cyber Crimes” at the top bar of the website on the homepage.
- A new screen will be given. Please undergo the information and click the “File a complaint” button.
- The applicant will reach another page. Please undergo the instructions and click the “I Accept” button after reading it completely.
- The applicant will reach the login page, where the applicant shall access the “Citizen Login” section.
- Hence, the prompted details are to be completed as appropriate and click on the “Get OTP” button to get OTP on your mobile.
- Now the received OTP is to be entered at the given space and click on the “Submit” button.
- Once the login is successful applicant will reach the “Report & Track” page.
- The applicant has to complete the compulsory details as given for “Incident Details”, “Suspect Details”, and “Complaint Details” sections one by one.
- Once you reach the “Preview & Submit” section, a preview of the application will be screened. If all the details are correct click the “I Agree” check box and then click the “Confirm & Submit” button.
- A “system-generated acknowledgement number” will be screened. It is to be saved for future reference. Click the “OK” button to close the acknowledgement popup.
- The applicant shall use the “Download PDF” button to download and print the application form
- This complaint will be processed further.
As provided on the website of the Cyber Police, the following credentials are required while lodging a Cyber Complaint.
Email Related Complaints
– A document in writing explaining the entire incident
– Copy of the claimed Email
– Email from the “Original Receiver” required. Forwarded mail is to be kept away from.
– Full Header of the claimed Email
– A copy of email and header should be in both hard & soft copy
– Soft copy must be provided in a CD-R only
Social Platforms Related Complains
– A Copy or screenshot of claimed contents or the profile
– Screenshot a copy of URL of claimed contents
– Contents should be in both hard & soft copy
– Soft copy must be given in CD-R only
Cell Phone Apps related complaints
– Screenshot of the malevolent app and the location from where it has been downloaded
– Bank statement from the victim’s account of transactions made(if any)
-Copy of the aforementioned documents in soft form
Business Email Compromise Complaints
Description of the incident in brief and the following financial information to be provided-
1. Originating Name
2. Originating Location
3. Originating Bank Name
4. Originating Bank Account Number
5. Name of the Recipient
6. Bank Name of the Recipient
7. Bank Account Number of the Recipient
8. Bank Location of the Recipient (if available)
9. Intermediary Bank Name (if available)
10. SWIFT Number
11. Date
12. Amount of Transaction
13. Additional Information -including “FFC”-For Further Credit; “FAV”-In Favor Of
Data Theft Complaints
– A copy of data that has been stolen
– The Copyright Certificate for the data in question
– Particulars of the suspected employee who might have taken the data from company
For suspected employee
– His/ her Appointment letter
– Non-disclosure agreement (if any)
– List of duty assigned
– List of gadgets assigned to the suspect
– List of clients with whom the suspect is in touch
– Proof of selling of your copyright data to any client
– Devices used by the suspect while working with the company, if any
Ransome ware complaints
-Email id or phone number or any other means of communication via which ransom has been demanded.
-If malware was sent with the attachment of the mail, then the screenshots of the mail with full header of first receiver should be provided.
Net Banking, ATM, Fake Fraud Calls, Scamsters, Online Transaction related Complaints
-Bank statement from the concerned bank of the last six months
-A copy of SMSs received related to the claimed transactions
-A copy of your idnetity proof and residential proof as provided in the bank records
Bitcoin Related Complaints
– Particular facts in brief about the incident happened
– Address of Bitcoin
– Amount of Bitcoin that was involved
– Address from/to whom purchase/sale of Bitcoins was done
Cheating Related Complaints
– Hard copy of the claimed email including its full header of the email
– Email should be of the original receiver. Forwarded email must be avoided
– Victim’s bank account statement
– Details of the claimed transaction made
– Soft copy of all above mentioned documents
Filing a Cyber Crime case has been more feasible in the form of a written statement. However, there is still a part of India who are not well versed with the mechanism of the laptop, internet, online portals etc., for them filing a complaint offline is the only solution. The victim of their family members can file a written Cyber Crime complaint in the nearest Cyber Crime Cell or any Cyber Crime Cell established in India. Nonetheless, the written complaint shall be saluted to the Head of the Cybercrime Cell and shall be attached with the following credentials of the victim or person who is registering the complaint:
-Contact details, and
-Mailing address
Other particulars pertaining to filing of the complaints solely depends on the type of Crime that has been committed to the victim.
In the name of modernization and liberalization, people are deemed to be very casual with the evolution of the dark web, entertaining random online shopping sites, anonymous mail etc. The Internet is no doubt a boon to the needy but sometimes, it is a source of evil deeds.
Across the world, with this rapid increase in usage of technology and technological means, the Cyber Laws and IT Laws need constant revision as well as gradation to keep pace.
- Is Cyber Harassment also a Cyber Crime?
Cyber Harassment is a clear-cut Cyber Crime. Several varieties of harassment occur via the Cyber Space, may it be Sexual, Racial, Religious or others.
- Is hacking a Cyber Crime in India?
Hacking is the most grievous and updated crime in modern India. It is a horrifying situation to realize that a stranger has broken down your computer/laptop and knows all your present information there.
- What exactly is Cyber Terrorism?
Cyber Terrorism is considered a “Cyber Crime against Government” which is yet another form of crime in modern India. The medium or source of the internet is being used by groups of people or different individuals to intimidate or bully the International governments as well as to frighten or terrorize the citizens of their own country.

Law student.
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