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Offence Relating To Marriage -Section 493-498 IPC

Offence Relating To Marriage -Section 493-498 IPC

Before getting into the chapter XX of IPC which deals with offence (s) relating to marriage ; let us quickly look over as to what MARRIAGE literally means. Introduction to Offence relating to marriage Marriage is a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs,

Offence Relating To Marriage -Section 493-498 IPC Read More »

culpable homicide

Circumstances under which murder can be reduced to culpable homicide not amounting to murder.

Homicide is the highest order of bodily injury that can be inflicted on a human body. It has been the most heinous offence. Homicide means the killing of a human by a human being. However, in every case of killing one is not culpable. In Public Prosecutor vs. S.N. Moorty, the accused had the intention

Circumstances under which murder can be reduced to culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Read More »

constitutional law and administrative law

Constitutional Law and Administrative Law

Before we discuss the differences between these two mammoths i.e the Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, It is important we understand what exactly they mean in their individual capacity. What does Constitutional Law mean? “Constitutional law is a body of law which defines the role, powers, and structure of different entities within a state, namely, the executive, the parliament or legislature,

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delhi gang rape case

Crime against Women: and the things you don’t even know about women’s rights & liberty.

On January 21, 2017, the Women’s March on Washington, DC, drew a record-breaking public display of support for women’s rights and civil rights in a mass demonstration, estimated to be the largest one-day protest in U.S. history. With over 600 sister marches held in every major city and dozens of small towns across the United States—as well as at sites on

Crime against Women: and the things you don’t even know about women’s rights & liberty. Read More »

Cuplpable homicide blog post title

Difference between Culpable Homicide and Murder

In this article we will understand the major differences between Culpable Homicide and Murder. Section 299 and section 300 are the vast sections in the entire Indian Penal Code. They talk about the definitions of Culpable Homicide and Murder. In the scheme of Indian Penal Code, Culpable Homicide is ‘Genus’ and Murder its ‘Specie’. All

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Can A Private Organisation Discriminate Against Its Employees?

Have you ever thought if discrimination is legal at a private workplace?Can Organisations like Google India Pvt. Ltd. or for that matter Your-own-company Pvt. Ltd. can discriminate against anyone on the basis of mere religion, sex, caste, or similar things? Under part 3 of the Constitution of India, the concept of Fundamental Rights comes into

Can A Private Organisation Discriminate Against Its Employees? Read More »


The Indian Penal Code (IPC) to date lacks the presence of the word “lynching”. What is it? Is it punishable? Do the IPC and CRPC provide for punishment against mob lynching? “LYNCHING” shall mean any act or series of acts of violence, whether spontaneous or planned, committed to influence extra-judicial punishments, or as an act