Constitutional Law

Ordinance Making Power of the President of India

Ordinance Making Power of the President of India

Ordinance Making Power: The President of India has been given emergency powers to promulgate ordinances in situations where the Houses of Parliament are not in session. The ordinance-making power is an enabling provision, viz., a substantive part of the constitution from which certain specified consequences follow and it does not purport to be a complete […]

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principles for invoking writ jurisdiction

6 Principles to know before you invoke a Writ Jurisdiction

The jurisdiction and procedural concepts can build your confidence, but reversed grasp at the fundamentals of writs and Supreme Court jurisdiction, civil and criminal procedure and principles of evidence is imperative to ensure that you are not caught off guard at the opening conversation. We will discuss the theory and the Constitutional basis of the

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right to die article 21

Right to die: “Please Die!” But do you have the right?

The right to die is a concept that closely contradicts the concept of the Right to life under article 21 of the Indian Constitution based on the opinion that human beings are entitled to end their life or undergo euthanasia voluntarily the same way as they have the right to life.  In common parlance, this right is

Right to die: “Please Die!” But do you have the right? Read More »

constitutional amendments

All About Constitutional Amendments

In this article, we will discuss the meaning and procedure of the Constitutional Amendments with reference to the Indian Constitution. Meaning of Amendment Generally speaking, Amendment refers to change or ratify something that is already established usually with a motive to improve. In other words, “A minor change or addition designed to improve a text,

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Indian Federalism and centre-state relations

The Constitution of India provides a federal system of government in the country even though it describes India as ‘a union of states’. The term implies that firstly, the Indian federation is not the result of an agreement between independent units, and secondly, the units of Indian federation cannot leave the federation. What is Indian

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