Submission Guidelines
Content for blog posts on Strictlylegal.in should be submitted through the form below or via an email at Contact@strictlylegal.in only.
All your submitted content goes through a process of review where quality, accuracy and plagiarism is checked. Once the content is approved by our editors it is then published on the platform.
We do not accept Plagiarised content or the content that has already appeared anywhere else on the Internet. Although, quotation and judgement can be used as a reference as long as the source is quoted.
If you submit pictures please make sure that they are either owned by you or copyright free images or images from the public domain.
Please make sure you submit either your Facebook profile/ Instagram Profile/ WhatsApp so that we can build up your author bio on the platform. Author bio is a box that appears at the end of a blog telling the readers who wrote the content and links to the respective author’s social profiles.
StrictlyLegal Contributor Form
Why Contribute to StrictlyLegal?
Because this growing community of law students needs you.
StrictlyLegal as a community is dedicated to producing legal content-driven blogs and Free e-learning courses for students around the nation.
Our aim is to build a strong platform and enable free legal education.
We’ve always believed that education is something that should be free and it will always be that way on our platform -that’s a commitment!
As a measure to reward our contributors, the Most Viewed Blog Post of the Month is rewarded with monetary compensation of Rs. 2000. To rely on the data of which blog has the most number of views on a particular month we use Google analytics.
At the end of every month, a list of top 10 MOST VIEWED BLOG POST is published on StrictlyLegalForStudents.com.
And the author of the MOST VIEWED BLOG POST OF THE MONTH is contacted via an E-mail confirming the same by StrictlyLegal.
Want to be one of our core contributors?
Members who dedicate their time by contributing and moderating the platform are the core contributors. Such members have their dedicated login ID and Dashboard to manage and moderate strictlylegal.in.
A substantial amount of authority is transferred to these members because of the trust they gain being a core member.
We currently have several practicing lawyers who are helping us in the community we are striving to create. If you are a law student and want to associate with us, you have to be a regular contributor on the platform for some time before we give you exclusive access to the core membership.
Our core membership not only gives you recognition and a recommendation letter from the platform for your contributions but also opens up opportunities to intern at amazing places.