Pritam banik

Passionate about using the law to make a difference in people's lives. An Advocate by profession.

What is Insurable Interest

The doctrine of Insurable Interest: Meaning and Case laws

In this article, we will discuss what’s insurable interest and matters incidental thereto. The most significant principle when it comes to the enforceability of insurance contracts is the principle of insurable interest. It is the interest in the subject matter of the insurance. This concept was developed later to distinguish insurance contracts from wagering contracts […]

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What is the Deterrent Theory of Punishment

What is the Deterrent Theory of Punishment?

Deterrent means to dissuade; it attempts to dissuade wicked minds from taking the incorrect and illegal route. Among the five theories of punishment in criminal jurisprudence, namely, deterrent, retributive, preventive, reformative, and expiatory, this particular theory imposes dreadful consequences, i.e. punitive actions against the wrongdoer, in order to curb the menaces of would-be evildoers and

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The Probation of Offenders Act and the responsibility of probation officer

The Probation of Offenders Act and the Responsibility of Probation officer

The Probation of offenders Act of 1958 is based on the concept that young offenders should be prevented via counselling and rehabilitation rather than being placed in jail like normal offenders. The probation officer focuses on the offender’s worry or goal, attempts to resolve it, and strives to make the offender a productive member of the

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