Best Audiobooks For Lawyers And Law Students

Best Audiobooks For Lawyers And Law Students

If you’re a lawyer or even a student you will know that your career in law requires a lot of reading. From text books, case laws to non-legal books. Reading so much is always a good thing but it may sometimes take a toll on your eyes.

With technology came the age of audiobooks for law. In a click of a button someone will read you a book and at your own pace. I like to pick a quiet place, put on my earphones, close my eyes and play the audiobook of my mood. This is a very different feeling as it takes to the narrated world of the author.

Here’s a list of top 10 audiobooks or lawyers and law students that you must hear!

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Top best audiobooks for lawyers and law students-

Before Memory Fades

This is a book by Fali.S Nariman and requires no Introduction. Listening to this book took me to his old days when he was a junior and the tales that he voice of the narrator made me imagine the whole content play right before my eyes. I WILL 100% RECOMMEND THIS.

The Law of Law School

As the name suggests this book is exclusively for law students and falls under the category of best audiobooks for law students. The title also dictates that it is undoubtedly the essential guide to first year of law school.

This book in my opinion slides into this blog of best law audiobooks. I have not read or listened to this personally but the review made me count this into this list.

Justice: What’s the right thing to do?

Professor Sandals is an extremely valuable person to the society of law and I can say this just by listening to his one lecture: Justice: What’s the right thing to do?

The Tools of Argument

The Tools of Argument is a great audiobook for anyone interested in the topic of argumentation. I learned quite a bit from listening to this audiobook, and the pace of the material was just right for me. I found it easy to remember the various concepts that Churchill introduced, and his examples were relevant to what I was dealing with on a daily basis.

The Tools of Argument, a classic book by Joel P. Trachtman, is an in-depth look at all the elements and devices that help construct a successful argument. An essential read for anyone (student or otherwise) looking to gain a greater understanding of how to construct sound arguments—and impress your peers in the process!

The 10X Rule

Complete Chanakya Neeti

Complete Chanakya Neeti is an eternal and unchangeable truth. It is like Bhagvat Geeta – words of eternal wisdom for a perfect life. All human beings have to abide by this code of conduct in day-to-day activities to live harmoniously and peacefully with each other. I would recommend everybody to listen this book, which will lead you to the right direction of success and perfection.

I really liked this book and I would highly recommend this book for everyone. It has changed my whole perspective of life. I really liked the way R P Jain has presented Chanakya Neeti as it is to be followed by modern day’s young lawyers and professionals in their life. This will be very helpful to them.

This book gives ideal knowledge to live a peaceful and wealthy life. It is not just the good or bad means that are mentioned in this book, but processes of different perception that can be explained with full details. You can find the healthy life strategies in this book. This book leads you towards leading a peaceful and wealthy life.


In this post, we have provided a broad outline of the most important audiobooks every lawyer should listen to. Although there may be other valuable titles to add, we would argue that the ones provided in this list are vital for any aspiring or practicing lawyer.

Whether you are a recent law graduate or have been practicing the profession for a decade, listening to audiobooks will do you much good. If your tendency is to fulfill your book reading habits with non-fiction and non-legal reads, this is your chance to broaden your horizons. Audible is offering an amazing deal on audiobooks right now, so there has never been a better time to take advantage of it.

There is a great deal of value in listening to law audiobooks. Audiobooks are an excellent way to continue learning and practicing law when you do not have the time to read a phycially published book. I am serious about this. If all attorneys listened to audiobooks, 99% of the legal profession would be a lot smarter. Why? Because you can listen to it in your car, while walking, or doing exercise, or at night before bed. Because the keys to your memory are repetition and frequency. Not only will you remember what you read, but you’ll learn how to apply that knowledge in new situations. And finally, because most attorneys have very little time (which is why they’re reading an article on the internet instead of writing a brief), listening is more efficient than reading.

Hopefully, these audiobooks contain interesting ideas and points that will make you think. What you do with those ideas is up to you. But most importantly, enjoy putting a new perspective on the law!

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